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What is a Voucher Code?

A voucher code is a special discount tool that helps you save money on your purchases. Stores, brands, and travel companies use these codes to attract shoppers by offering great deals.

While you might sometimes find them in stores, most voucher codes are available online, particularly on coupon and loyalty websites, where shoppers hunt for offers to reduce their expenses.

These codes can offer impressive savings—often between 10% and 80%. Depending on the offer, voucher codes may apply to:

  • Your entire shopping basket
  • Specific categories like 10% Off Hotels
  • A single product

You may also see voucher codes referred to as coupon codes, promo codes, or discount codes.

How Do I Use a Voucher Code?

Using a voucher code is easy! Most codes consist of 6 to 10 characters and can be applied during the checkout process to reduce your total amount.

Here's how you do it:

  1. Find a suitable code for the store or item you're purchasing.
  2. Copy the code so you can paste it during checkout.
  3. Enter the code when prompted during checkout. Stores may display the voucher box at different stages—sometimes prominently, other times in more hidden spots.

Tip: Be sure to apply the code before finalizing your payment to ensure the discount is applied successfully.

You’ll typically see instructions around the voucher box with phrases like:

  • Enter voucher code
  • Apply coupon
  • Add promo code
  • Apply discount code

How to Find Voucher Codes on Our Website?

We provide multiple ways for you to locate voucher codes and deals quickly:

1. Use the Search Feature

Enter the name of the store or brand in the search bar and hit “Search”. This will display the most relevant deals available.

You can also use keywords (e.g., “hotels”, “fashion”) to find offers within different categories.

2. Browse the A-Z Page

Need to find a particular store? Head to our A-Z / All Shops page, which lists all available brands and stores. You’ll find this option in both the header and footer of our website.

3. Explore by Category

Looking for specific types of deals? Navigate to our All Categories page from the main menu. Choose your desired category (e.g., Baby & Child) to uncover relevant voucher codes, discounts, and more.

Start Saving with Voucher Codes Today!

With voucher codes, saving on your purchases is just a few clicks away. Explore our website to find the best deals, apply your code at checkout, and enjoy instant savings!

Would you like additional support? Check out our FAQs for more tips on maximizing your savings.