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Expedia Promo Codes & Voucher Codes February, 2025


Weekend Getaways - Minimum 20% OFF Plus Up to 60% OFF Last-Minute Deals

Expedia Discount
Grab last-minute weekend deals with at least 20% OFF, and save Up to 60% on your next trip. Hurry, limited-time offers.

Join Now and Unlock 10% Savings on 100,000 Plus Hotels

Expedia Discount
Join as a member and save on over 100,000 hotels, with a guaranteed 10% discount on your next booking.

Book Hotels Through the App and Enjoy Savings Plus Double Points

Expedia Reward
With the App, you get the savings on hotels and double points for every booking, giving you more freedom to travel.
Expires: 28 Feb

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Expedia Voucher Codes

Offer DescriptionExpiresDiscount Type
Weekend Getaways - Minimum 20% OFF Plus Up to 60% OFF Last-Minute DealsDiscount
Join Now and Unlock 10% Savings on 100,000 Plus HotelsDiscount
Book Hotels Through the App and Enjoy Savings Plus Double PointsReward

About Expedia

It was 1996 and Rich Barton was pitching his idea to Microsoft which made it a sub-division of them. In 1999 they went public and since then they acquired by numerous companies.  Services they offer include hotel booking, flight booking, and package booking. They offer the best-guaranteed price on stays and customers can claim if they find a better deal.

Spread in countries like Malaysia, Singapore, USA, UK, etc. they present regular deals and offers for their customers. Book your accommodations at Bali, Jakarta, Surbays, Medan, Makassar, Yogyakarta, and Semarang using our Expedia kode promo that will load you with absolute savings and discounts.

Customer Care Services

Customer care services are supportive and below are the options through which you can resolve any issues.

  • You can connect through their call center number +62 21 50851318.
  • FAQs

Also, members enjoy separate contact numbers for whom services are available 24x7.

Cancellation & Refunds

Expedia cancellation and Refunds are easy and the following are the points customers need to understand about the policies.

  • Customers can simply go to ‘Manage Bookings’ and opt for cancellations.
  • Cancellation fees are imposed by the properties.
  • Refundable or no cancellation fee bookings are only liable for refunds.
  • Refunds are processed on the same day.

Payment Channels

Expedia payments are safe and secured as well. Below are the payment methods customers can choose to complete their transactions.

  • Credit Card
  • Debit Card

Also, customers can apply our Expedia kode diskon when they are at the checkout page, which can land them with ultimate savings and discounts.

Membership Benefits

Expedia members enjoy numerous benefits with every booking they do on their platform.

  • Earn 1 point at the amount of Rp7.500.
  • You become a Blue Member as soon as you sign up.
  • Get benefits of lower prices, additional points along with airline miles, credit card rewards, 3x points on VIP access hotel, early sale access, and offers.
  • With bookings of 7 nights and a spending amount of Rp67.500.000, you level up as a Silver member and enjoy benefits such as 10% additional Expedia points and 24x7 customer services.
  • Book for 15 nights or spend Rp135.000.000 to reach Gold Tier and get additional perks of 30% more Expedia points and free room upgrades.

Expedia App Benefits

App offers additional perks that help travelers save more on their trip.

  • 2x more Expedia points when you book through the app.
  • Get 40% off on stays through exclusive deals.
  • On the go booking.
  • Updates for gate change and baggage carousel number.
  • For extra savings, customers need to get our Expedia kode promo.

Additional Perks

Get the following additional benefits through online hotel booking at Expedia.

  • Through regular sales and offers.
  • Feature like Travel arranger that connects account and you can book for another person.
  • Add payment preference and experience faster checkouts.
  • Flight preference option.
  • With all the above benefits, consider getting our Expedia kode promo for absolute savings and discounts.

Tips To Save More

Through the below tips you can save more when you book services at Expedia.

  • Look for last-minute promos that will help you with instant bookings.
  • Get the vacation package for big savings.
  • Subscribe to a newsletter that will help you get instant discounts and offers.
  • You can save massive using our Expedia Indonesia kode diskon.


How to use Expedia kode promo?

  • Land on our website and search for Expedia kode promo.
  • It will take you to the list of numerous promo codes.
  • Select one and click it.
  • You will be redirected to the Expedia website.
  • Select your services and proceed towards payments.
  • At the payment gateway apply our copied coupon code.
  • That’s it!! Enjoy your discount.

How do I log in to Expedia Extranet?

Expedia extranet is a different portal designed for partners to register their property. You can simply search for it and get to the page or you can click on the link present on their website and app. With some credentials, you can register your property and become their partner.

Who owns Expedia group?

Expedia initially was founded by Rich Barton and was the sub-company of Microsoft. From 2001 they owned by several companies which comes under the banner of the Expedia group. They are owned by USA Networks INC and are headquartered in Seattle.

Does Expedia offer the best-guaranteed price?

Yes, they offer the best-guaranteed price on their stays where customers can even claim if they find any better deal. Also, they offer great prices and savings on flights, and other services that are available on their platform.